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Sunday 6 December 2015

Top 4 Foods Women Must Avoid During Pregnancy

No doubts, I have soft feeling for pregnant women. I sighted one recently and felt pregnant women should be given utmost care in order to help them bring forth healthy babies. The need to do this is because during the developmental stage of pregnancy, the foetus are quite fragile and any unhealthy action by their mothers can lead to serious medical conditions for both mother and child. Certainly, one of the major things that can promote the health of mother and child during pregnancy is good food.

As an expectant mother, you should understand that it is no longer the usual that must go into your stomach as the growth of your unborn child is determine by whatever you put into your system. In recent times, many pregnant women have faced birth related issues due to poor choice of diet.during pregnancy. To avoid this, you must decide to quit certain unhealthy foods for pregnant women. Find below a list of the top four foods to avoid.


Many women in recent times are a lover of alcohol. Gone are those days when alcohol was majorlyconsumed by men. These day during pregnancy some women have refuse to desist from its consumption. Research has proven that mothers who are alcoholic have a greater risk of still birth and miscarriages. In fact after delivery, more percentage of women who indulge in alcohol during pregnancy bring forth children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome which manifest in the form of facial deformities and some level of retardation in reasoning as the child grows up.
This has been a serious concern in countries where alcohol consumption is high. May be a bottle of alcohol once in a while might not lead to any complication but there is no prove to this claim it is smarter to avoid alcohol during pregnancy.


Some certain sea foods are found to contain high level of mercury. High dosage of mercury have been found to cause certain developmental conditions. The older the sea foods, the higher the concentration of mercury in them. While sea foods contain a level of mercury, there are some that can be occasionally consumed. They include shrimps, salmon and catfish.
Those that should be avoided include tile fish, sword fish king mackerel and sharks. Sharks are not eaten as food in many parts of the world anyway but it is still worth mentioning. 


Eggs are loaded with adequate amount of nutrient and protein which can be said to help in the growth and development of mother and child even during pregnancy. But it has been noticed that most women still adhere to their previous eating habits. Some of them are lovers of uncooked and semi cooked eggs which can cause salmonella poisoning due to the bacterium salmonella.
If you are to eat egg, ensure the egg is stored the recommended way and is properly cooked above 100°C within the normal time frame to avoid the existence of poultry kinds of bacteria.


While ripe pawpaw can be of great use for pregnant women, there is need for every pregnant women to avoid the consumption of both unripe and semi ripe. These kinds of papaya contain pepsin in its sap that could contract the womb and cause miscarriages in certain women especially those who have history with still birth and miscarriages.


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