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Monday 28 December 2015

NCAA orders airlines to liquidate N4bn debts

NCAA orders airlines to liquidate N4bn debts

Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority, NCAA, has called on all airlines operating within and outside the country’s airspace to immediately put in place plans to liquidate their massive debts to it and other companies in the sector.
The regulatory agency decried the debts of airlines, which piled up as a result of their failure to settle promptly invoices as at when due.
At present, the airlines owe agencies in the sector at least N4bn.
A statement issued in Lagos by the General Manager, Public Affairs, NCAA, Mr. Sam Adurogboye, hinted that the indebtedness, especially by domestic operators, posed serious financial challenges to the various agencies that benefitted from the 5 per cent ticket, charter and cargo sales charges.
Adurogboye said the management would be pleased to see the airlines put plans in place towards the full liquidation of all outstanding debts, stressing that the settlement of those debts would go a long way in assisting NCAA fulfill its statutory obligations to the country and the world at large.
“It is pertinent to point out that the authority is fully committed to strict enforcement of compliance to safety regulations in order to engender safe operations at all times,” the statement added.
It would be recalled that Director-General of NCAA, Capt. Muhtar Usman recently turned back a trailer load of rice brought to him by an airline (name withheld).
Usman was said to be enraged when information got to him that the airline, which owes the agency and other sister agencies in aviation close to N1bn in unremitted Passenger Service Charge, PSC, Ticket Sales Charges, TSC, and other taxes, had brought “Christmas gifts” to him.
He threatened to penalise the airline for what he termed ‘bribery’ and corruption, urging the airline and others that are hugely indebted to the agencies to pay up their debts or be stopped from operating.
Sources said the Director- General stated that he had mandated his lieutenants to be wary of the kind of gifts they collect from airlines, service providers and concessionaires in order to avoid a situation where they could be compromised.
The source, who confided in National Mirror said: “The Director- General of the NCAA this morning disallowed an airline (name withheld) with trailer load of rice from entering NCAA.
“This is very curious because it is coming few days after the aviation regulatory body issued letters to all airlines to pay up their debts to the agency. The DG has also warned airlines not to bring Christmas gift to the authority.”


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