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Monday 28 December 2015

6 Ways To Make Him Want To Marry You

6 Ways To Make Him Want To Marry You
Men are very picky about who they want to “take home to mama”, so to speak. In a wife, they expect a lot of attributes since they see this person as someone they want to spend the rest of their lives with.

If you are a woman interested in making sure your man sees you this way, then you need to make sure you are the embodiment of these attributes below;
1. You are approachable: Yes, he already shows interest in you, but no man wants to be with someone who acts cold all the time. This will make him worry about how you will come off if you get to meet his family.
2. You respect him: Men want respect, and in most cases, they want it more than they want love. They want to know that their opinions, interests and beliefs matter to you. You do not need to be his slave, but he should definitely know that you respect him as a man.
3. You understand family values: In our part of the world, much stock is put on family. You should care about his. Ask after his parents and siblings. And when you do get to meet them, let them feel that you are looking forward to getting to know them better.
4. Nurture him: Now, how you do this up to you. If you are the type who cooks, then make meals you know he will love. You know your man and you should know what makes him feel cherished. If you don’t then you need to find out, as this is the ultimate way to make sure his heart is always with you.
5. You should be modest: And this does not have to mean boring. If you are the butterfly who flits everywhere and is always the life of the party, you will be hard-pressed to convince him that he should consider you as the mother of his children. Be level-headed and show him your life does not revolve around you always being the centre of attention.
6. Avoid being over-available: A man will only want to hang on to someone he knows he might lose. You should avoid being at his beck and call as this will cause him to take advantage of you. Make sure you have your own life, hobbies, career, etc. He will appreciate you more and see you more like a partner he should have in his life.


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