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Monday 28 December 2015

Nigerian Sentenced To Hang For Drugs Smuggling In Malaysia(PHOTO)

Nigerian Sentenced To Hang For Drugs Smuggling In Malaysia(PHOTO)
The Malaysian high court has sentenced a Nigerian citizen to death for drugs trafficking.
Ekene Collins Isaac, 37, was found guilty of smuggling 915.6g of methamphetamine, commonly known as ecstasy or MDMA, into Malaysia three years ago.
High court judge Datuk Wan Afrah Wan Ibrahim said the prosecution had proven Isaac’s guilt beyond doubt as she passed down the death sentence.
The case against Isaac was formidable.  He was caught with the drugs concealed inside his body at Serdang Hospital in Kajang, Malaysia, after he was detained by local police.
Isaac being led away after being sentenced to death
The condemned is believed to have swallowed the drugs in Nigeria, where he worked as a cleaner, before flying out to the south-east Asia country.
During his trial, Isaac was only able to produce one witness to support his case, however the prosecution was able to present 13 witness who all testified to Isaac’s guilt.
He showed no emotion as Judge Ibrahim passed down the sentence.
Under Malaysia’s harsh anti-drug laws, trafficking drugs is an offence punishable with death by hanging.
Isaac’s case is not the first time a Nigerian has been sent to the gallows by a Malaysian court.
On December 17, farmer Echefula Obasi was sentenced to die two years after being found with 2kg of MDMA in a car park in the city of Shah Alam.
Also, in May, a court in Malaysia’s capital Kuala Lumpur sentenced 30-year-old student Mary George Unazi to death for smuggling just over 700g
of MDMA in her luggage after flying into the country four years ago.
The condemned have the right to appeal against their verdicts and the governor of the state they were sentenced in has the power to commute the death sentence.


How To Make Vegetable Salad

How To Make Vegetable Salad

Making a salad can be as easy as ABC, most of the time, you just need to consider what kind you are making and pick the ingredients appropriately.

Vegetable salads can be prepared in various ways, depending on the kind you want as there are different types of vegetable salads. The processes are also quite similar, it is just the combination of recipes that differ.
Colorful vegetable salad
A plate of salad always looks really attractive, the color combinations appear beautiful and tasty. The more colorful it appears, the more nutritional benefits are acquired in the consumption of just a plate of vegetable salad. It can be eaten as breakfast, lunch, dinner and even as snacks. Making a simple change in your diet by adding salad almost everyday can pay off with plenty of health benefits.
Nutritional benefits of vegetable salad:
1. The fiber content of salad help to reduce cholesterol levels and prevent constipation.
2. It can serve as means to control weight and loss weight as fiber appears to make you fuller.
3. It contains powerful antioxidants.Antioxidants are substance that helps protect the body from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals.
5. It lowers the risk of many disease particularly cancer.
6. Olive oil also acts as an antioxidants. That aids to lower the risk of many diseases particularly cancer.So it is advisable to avoid high caloric salad dressing to enjoy totally combinations of nutritional benefits of salad.
How To Make Vegetable Salad
Ingredients :
. Cabbage
. Carrot
. Lettuce.
. Onions
. Tomatoes
. Cucumber
. Boiled eggs
. Fish
. Sweet corn
. Olive oil
.More veggies available at your disposal
. Boil and remove bones from the fish
. Sieve the sweetcorn
. Wash other ingredient to be free of stones, dust and sand if present
. Dice all the ingredients in small pieces; please note if is not to be consumed immediately and in the absence of a refrigerator do not mix the ingredients together yet. But dice separately in the different plates to avoid getting sour.
. Mix every ingredient in a bowl
. Arrange in a flat tray to allow air circulation
. Spread some olive oil on it and then refrigerate

The Beneficiaries Of Dasuki's Loot Revealed

The Beneficiaries Of Dasuki's Loot Revealed
Many significant Nigerian politician and leaders are being accused of collecting huge sums of money from the Office of the National Security Adviser (ONSA) Colonel Sambo Dasuki.
The President Muhammadu Buhari’s government is currently investigating the $2 billion arms procurement deal and many prominent politicians have been arrested.
Those currently arraigned alongside Dasuki are a former Director of the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation, Aminu Baba Kusa and Director of Finance and Administration in the Office of the NSA, Salisu Shuaibu.
President Buhari launched a panel to probe how billions of dollars meant for the procurement of arms deal vanished from the Central Bank of Nigeria.
During the last weeks the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission and the Department of State Services have arrested some public figures who served under the immediate past Goodluck Jonathan’s government over the alleged $2 billion arms purchase deal.
Here’s an analysis of the supposed misappropriation of $2.1 bn meant for arms deal by Sambo Dasuki and others:
The National Youth Frontier from the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)recently indicted President Buhari over Dasuki’s diverted billions.

The group stated that part of the diverted funds for the NSA was used to buy bullet proof vehicles for Buhari: SUVs, Sedans, etc.
As details of huge funds disbursed by Dasuki’s office continue to appear, indications emerged that the former NSA is set to expose more top Nigerian leaders who benefited from the funds.
Dasuki is being investigated over the procurement of arms in the armed forces from 2007 to 2015.
Ex-NSA was accused of using his office to award fabricated arms contracts, but he has rejected the accusation, saying that Jonathan approved all the contracts he awarded.


$2.1 Billion Arms Saga: Ex-Minister On The Run

$2.1 Billion Arms Saga: Ex-Minister On The Run
Reports reaching suggests that a former minister is on the run, following revelation of his involvement in the $2.1 billion arms saga which is currently rocking the nation.
A fresh angle to the arms deal saga, reveals that the cash was wired into a former minister’s accounts, one whose name is withheld for security reasons.

According to The Nation, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission is believed to have discovered that some significant portion of the funds went into the Ekiti and Osun states governorship elections which held in Ekiti (June 2014) and in Osun (August 2014).
Sources claim that the former minister in question, is one of the leading lights of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the Southwest.
He said to have sneaked out of the country, there are claims that he may relocate from his current hideout.
There are speculation that the huge funds were paid into the accounts of the ex-minister for elections in the two states.
However, it is alleged that the funds were not disbursed as expected, as the candidates used their own campaign funds.
Some bankers who managed the accounts have reportedly given some information to EFCC.
It was gathered that another N1.450billion fraud had been uncovered by the EFCC following revelations by one of the accused persons on trial.
The discovery is contained in the heap of evidence filed in the court by EFCC for the trial of 10 suspects.
The money was paid into some accounts which were submitted by a “former Accountant-General” whose identity the suspect in the office of the National Security Adviser(NSA) refused to disclose.
 “I could remember the following companies and account numbers were submitted by the former Accountant -General which we paid monies into. Below are the companies and amounts so far paid: Stellavera Dev Company(N300m); First Aralac Global Limited(N300m); First Aralac Global Limited(N100m); Damaris Mode(N300m);  Stellavera Dev Company(N200m) and Whese Farms Ltd(N250m).
“I was directed to pay monies into the above accounts. I do not know what the monies were meant for,” the accused person said.
The EFCC are still trailing the hideouts of the runaway ex-minister, an disclosure of his name will be made only on apprehension.
Meanwhile, Yazidu Ibrahim, a staff officer, has disclosed that most payments from the NSA were meant to pursue the PDP presidential election.
Ibrahim claims to have payment vouchers of all funds remitted to PDP beneficiaries, companies and contractors.
While speaking as a witness to the EFC, Ibrahim said: “My duties include recording financial transactions and to keep custody of all duplicate copies  of financial transactions. Also to prepare bank reconciliation statements and to collect statements from all banks.
“The year 2014-2015 transactions were mainly to support the presidential election of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).
 “Those payments to contractors or individuals by deposit into their accounts were based on instructions from the DFA. The tellers are attached to the payment vouchers.
“All payments to contractors are based on directive from DFA. Sometimes, there is accompanying  document; most times, there is  nothing except account details of contractors.”
It will be recalled that on Monday, December 14, former national security adviser (NSA) Sambo Dasuki confessed to having handed over N10 billion given to PDP nomination convention delegates to Jonathan’s special assistant on domestic affairs, Waripamowei Dudafa and the aide-de-camp.
The embattled security chief, said: “The money which was for delegates that attended the nomination convention for the PDP presidential nomination, was paid and sent to Hon (Waripamowei) Dudafa (SSAP Household) and ADC(C-IC) for distribution on the instruction of the president.
In his court statement, Dasuki said according to the DFA, all the monies were handled by Salisu, Ibrahim Wambai, and Yazidu Ibrahim, for official use.


NCAA orders airlines to liquidate N4bn debts

NCAA orders airlines to liquidate N4bn debts

Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority, NCAA, has called on all airlines operating within and outside the country’s airspace to immediately put in place plans to liquidate their massive debts to it and other companies in the sector.
The regulatory agency decried the debts of airlines, which piled up as a result of their failure to settle promptly invoices as at when due.
At present, the airlines owe agencies in the sector at least N4bn.
A statement issued in Lagos by the General Manager, Public Affairs, NCAA, Mr. Sam Adurogboye, hinted that the indebtedness, especially by domestic operators, posed serious financial challenges to the various agencies that benefitted from the 5 per cent ticket, charter and cargo sales charges.
Adurogboye said the management would be pleased to see the airlines put plans in place towards the full liquidation of all outstanding debts, stressing that the settlement of those debts would go a long way in assisting NCAA fulfill its statutory obligations to the country and the world at large.
“It is pertinent to point out that the authority is fully committed to strict enforcement of compliance to safety regulations in order to engender safe operations at all times,” the statement added.
It would be recalled that Director-General of NCAA, Capt. Muhtar Usman recently turned back a trailer load of rice brought to him by an airline (name withheld).
Usman was said to be enraged when information got to him that the airline, which owes the agency and other sister agencies in aviation close to N1bn in unremitted Passenger Service Charge, PSC, Ticket Sales Charges, TSC, and other taxes, had brought “Christmas gifts” to him.
He threatened to penalise the airline for what he termed ‘bribery’ and corruption, urging the airline and others that are hugely indebted to the agencies to pay up their debts or be stopped from operating.
Sources said the Director- General stated that he had mandated his lieutenants to be wary of the kind of gifts they collect from airlines, service providers and concessionaires in order to avoid a situation where they could be compromised.
The source, who confided in National Mirror said: “The Director- General of the NCAA this morning disallowed an airline (name withheld) with trailer load of rice from entering NCAA.
“This is very curious because it is coming few days after the aviation regulatory body issued letters to all airlines to pay up their debts to the agency. The DG has also warned airlines not to bring Christmas gift to the authority.”

Biafran Agitation : A Letter To President And Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Biafran Agitation : A Letter To President And Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

I write with a heavy heart, on this Christmas day, as a result of what is going on under your leadership regarding the Biafra agitation and the leader of the IPOB (Indigenous people of Biafra), Mr. Nnamdi Kanu.

I write with a heavy heart, on this Christmas day, as a result of what is going on under your leadership regarding the Biafra agitation and the leader of the IPOB (Indigenous people of Biafra), Mr. Nnamdi Kanu. Let me first say that I, as an Igbo person, supported your election and campaign passionately for it on social media, but I am now on neutral grounds, because of the way you are handling the cry for Biafra though I will always support any good strides you are making for the people of Nigeria.
Ij Onuigbo
Some of the reasons I supported you are: 1. Your wife said during a pre-election interview that you promised to lead by listening to the concerns of the people and doing what the people want. 
2. As a former soldier in the United States Army, I knew that the discipline you have as a retired general of Nigeria Army is what is needed to clean up the corruption that has long retarded the progress of Nigeria.
However, during your interview in the USA, I believe at the State Department  after your election you were asked a question about how you would handle the Niger Delta on amnesty and women issues, your answer was that and I quote, "constituents that gave me 97 percent votes cannot, in all honesty, be treated equally with constituents that gave me 5 percent." Both videos of your wife promise of your leadership and your admission of prejudicial treatment of people who did not vote for you is there on Youtube for anyone and the whole world to see.
Mr. President, the problem with this whole situation is that with the way you are currently treating the IPOB matter means that your wife has lied about you wanting to lead by listening and leading according to the needs of the people. Moreover, I, as your initial supporter, was very bewildered and embarrassed when I saw that video where you admitted that you would lead by preferential treatment of those who voted you into office. Those who voted you into office are majorly from your region, the north, as well as the Southwestern region.
Igbos were the ones that only gave you 5 percent vote because they did not trust that you would lead with integrity. And guess what you are doing now! You are proving them right. You are showing that their fears were valid. Mr. President, leadership requires that you must be fair to all and sundry no matter how you feel about them. You cannot lead with a vindictive spirit to get back at those who didn't want you to win. 
Just look at President Barak Obama for example. Barack Obama has and still suffer from a severe opposition of a great number of Americans who don't like him, but guess what, he still leads everyone with equal and fair treatment.
A leader that is temperamental enough to vilify a group of people because they did not vote for him is not yet a leader. A seasoned leader overcomes all negative emotions that tempts him to mistreat any section of people under his leadership. Otherwise, it is a dictatorship and not democracy. Also, remember that many Igbos and Yorubas, who did not want you to become the President, accused you of being a dictator, and I have to say that you are proving them right for holding Nnamdi Kanu hostage.
I must mention that I am not for or against Biafra. I am for peace and fairness for all. If it were within my power, I would lead my people, the Igbos, to focus on what they are good at and leave Politics to those who want it so bad. On the other hand, I have seen that my people are very unhappy in Nigeria and feel grossly marginalized. And since they have been bold enough to start a protest, they need to be heard and not ignored or shoved aside. They are human beings with feelings, values, and aspirations no matter how inconsequential anyone might see them.
So in that case, I support that there should be a referendum and due process to make a country of their own. Now there is a possibility that we may not get all the required vote to amend the Nigeria constitution; but in that case, we would have seen that due process was given and anyone that fights it would be called a trouble maker. Right now, the trouble maker is the leader that have imprisoned the leader of a group that wants to move on to a better world for themselves. YOU are the trouble maker, Mr. President! You can stop all this by releasing him and demanding for him to go through the right process.
I have written partially on this in the past and to your attention as well hoping that your social media crew would bring it to your attention, but I have not seen any meaningful or positive action taken towards this case. Some people have advised me that if the Igbos really want to secede, they would not have to go through you and others have educated me as well that all that is needed is for the IPOB to forward a motion for Referendum through the Nigeria National Assembly.
You might wonder why then am I writing to you if we knew what steps to take. I am writing to you because you are the President of a country in turmoil who has the power to quell the disaster that is brewing under you. The solution to put a stop to the agitation for Biafra is in your hands. All you have to do is take a leadership step by releasing Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and advising him and the group to begin the process of Referendum. If the motion holds, good, if the motion fails, then you have done your job as the President.
May I please remind you that the British, the Russians and the UN have wisely made suggestions for the immediate release of Nnamdi Kanu and for Nigeria to allow a Referendum to go through, but with all due respect, it all seems to have fallen on deaf ears. The only response I have seen from your office is a statement that NO GROUP WILL BE ALLOWED TO TEAR NIGERIA APART. Mr. President that is not a responsible statement in the midst of what is going on.
Nigeria has never really been one. There is a deeply ingrained spirit of tribalism in Nigeria that has infected the political and economic fabrics of the nation of which is one of the biggest reasons driving the Biafra agitation. Igbos feel totally marginalized and rightfully so. This situation is like a bad marriage where one partner is very unhappy and keeps wanting out of the relationship, and the other partner refuses to corporate because the relationship benefits them more.
Your energy will be better served fighting BokoHaram rather than fighting IPOB agitation that has a simple solution. And I must say that how you are handling this situation makes it look like all of a sudden Mr. Kanu has become more dangerous than BokoHaram that is still killing people actively in Nigeria when Mr. Kanu has not killed one person. When people protest for a cause, it is the responsibility of the leaders to address the issues surrounding that cause, not imprison the individuals. The cry for Biafra did not start today. It has been going on for ages that also led to the massacre of over one million Igbos around 1967. I am not a good student of history, so I will not pretend to go into it. But I am sure you know what I am talking about. 
I implore you to please listen to right conscience and make the judgment that will bring positive resolution to this case and prevent lives from being wasted over a civil war. You have the power to do this by the simple step I have mentioned above. Once again, let me say it again. Release Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and instruct him and his group to go through the right channel through Nigeria National Assembly to put forward the motion for a referendum. Though you are old, you still have a young family that will live on after you. What legacy do you want to leave?
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Ij Onuigbo
 Ex-US Army Captain

Petrol will soon be available – NUPENG

Petrol will soon be available – NUPENG

The National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers on Monday says that petrol would soon be available in filling stations across the country. Mr Tokunbo Korodo, the South-West Chairman of the union, told newsmen in Lagos there had been improvement on loading of petroleum at the depots in Lagos.
He observed that Nigerians would appreciate the present regime if it could reduce the price of petroleum.
The Minister of State for Petroleum, Dr Ibe Kachikwu, had earlier said that a price modulation in petrol would begin by January 2016. Kachikwu disclosed this during his inspection of the Port Harcourt Refinery Company (PHRC) on Christmas day.

The NUPENG chairman said that the government meant well for all and sundry, in spite of the few greedy that worked to frustrate genuine intentions.

Nigeria’s 4 refineries to produce 10m litres of PMS daily – Kachikwu

Nigeria’s 4 refineries to produce 10m litres of PMS daily – Kachikwu

The Minister of State for Petroleum, Dr Ibe Kachikwu, said the nation’s refineries had been repositioned to produce not less than 10 million litres of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), popularly known as petrol, per day. Kachikwu stated this on Sunday during his official visit to Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company (KRPC).
According to him, the mission of the visit was to ascertain the current state of the refinery and identify areas of challenges for the workers at the refinery. “A lot of work has been done and a lot manpower have been put in place. But a lot still needs to be done in order to put this refinery to work continuously and reliably,” he said.
He noted that a lot of progress has been made in terms of availability of fuel in the various cities and towns as the long queues are fast disappearing from the filling stations. While commending the management of KRPC for keeping the refinery working for more than a week now, he however said there was room for improvement so as to move the current production level from 1.5 million litres to 2 or 3 million litres per day.
He expressed confidence that with more refineries coming on stream the fuel supply situation will continue to improve in the country. While fielding questions later from newsmen, the minister said the Federal Government was doing all it could do to ensure the subsidy on fuel is resolved without inflicting more pains on ordinary Nigerians.
“Everybody is on the same page that we need to get out of it; should we sale product at a certain price or should we let free market rolling so that we can sky rocket prices,” he said. According to him, the President says that product should go for N87 per litre for now and that he has given an approval to look at market trends and make adjustment if need be.
He assured that the administration was committed to ensuring adequate supply of petroleum products across the country. The minister, who was received by the Managing Director of KRPC management headed by Mr Saidu Mohammed, was accompanied by top NNPC officials during the visit.

Facebook founder urges free Internet in India amid row

Facebook founder urges free Internet in India amid row

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg urged India Monday to approve a controversial plan that would provide a free Internet service to the poor, his latest bid amid an escalating row with authorities.

The head of the social network tried to drum up support for the Free Basics service that offers people without the Internet free access to a handful of websites through mobile phones, in a column in the largest-selling English daily The Times of India.
“If we accept that everyone deserves access to the Internet, then we must surely support free basic Internet services,” the chief executive wrote, comparing the Internet to a library, public health care and education.
“Surprisingly, over the last year there’s been a big debate about this in India,” he added.
“Instead of wanting to give people free access to basic Internet services, critics of the programme continue to spread false claims — even if that means leaving behind a billion people.”
Zuckerberg’s personal appeal comes amid fierce criticism from net neutrality activists who say his plan violates the principle that the whole Internet should be available to all and unrestricted by any one company.
Earlier this month the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India ordered Reliance Communications, the sole mobile operator for the service, to suspend it temporarily without giving a reason, documents seen by AFP show.
Some 3.2 million people have petitioned India’s telecoms regulator not to ban Free Basics, formerly named It launched nationwide last month after being trialled in several states.
Several prominent Indian entrepreneurs and members of the tech community have spoken out against Free Basics, arguing that even for poor citizens, no Internet is better than a hand-picked and corporate-controlled web offering.
But in an attempt to counter claims “that this will make Internet more like a walled garden”, Facebook has taken out billboards and full-page newspaper adverts defending the initiative.
Free Basics is “at risk of being banned” in India, Facebook said in the adverts, adding that the service aims to help a billion unconnected Indians — mostly living in poor rural areas — to get online.

FG to review waivers on imports

FG to review waivers on imports


By Louis Iba

THE Federal Government has commenced the review of all waivers on taxes and Custom duties on imports approved for some sectors by the President Goodluck Jonathan adminis­tration.
Some of the waivers were granted by the former Presi­dent to indigenous investors and businesses as part of mea­sures geared towards boosting investments in those sectors.
Transport Minister, Mr. Rotimi Amaechi, however, said the Buhari administration had found out that the waivers had been subjected to various forms of abuses that tended to encourage corruption and shortchanging of the govern­ment rather than boosting the targeted industries.
In the aviation sector, for instance, airline operators were allowed by the previous government to enjoy waivers on imported aircraft spares in a bid cut down on a sky­rocketing cost of operation by airlines fueled by high cost of spare parts, fuel and insurance, among others.
In the last couple of months, investors in the domestic air­line industry have raised con­cerns over the decision of the Buhari government to order the stoppage of the waivers, a policy they noted had been gazette and as such its continu­ous implementation should have been considered as a law that could not be arbitrarily breached.
Amaechi who addressed the complaints of the airline operators over the weekend explained that the stoppage of such waivers was not just re­stricted to the aviation industry but that it had been extended to cover all other waivers granted by the previous government.
“The Federal Govern­ment is reviewing all waivers granted by the last administra­tion because the waivers were thoroughly abused,” Amaechi said. One airline operator said the government had erred in stopping the waivers given that Nigeria does not manufacture any aircraft spare part and that the cost of imported spares had grown by more than 70 per cent in the last four months with the high exchange rate of the naira to the dollar.
There is, however, hope that the conclusion of the review would allow the government an opportunity to take a second look at the waivers that should be allowed to stay and those that should be completely done away with.
According to Amaechi, the government was fully aware of the challenges faced by indige­nous airline owners and he said a meeting would be scheduled between the investors and the government at a later date to look at the challenges.
The Transport Minister said one of the ways of resolving the crisis in the domestic air­line industry was for Nigeria to own its own national carrier that would also compete with other existing domestic and in­ternational carriers.

He said a report on the proposed national carrier had already been submitted to the government and that it was be­ing studied.

FG suspends Abuja airport manager, others over tarmac invasion

 FG suspends Abuja airport 

manager, others over tarmac 


Okechukwu Nnodim
The Federal Government on Sunday began a probe into the security breach that occurred at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja, where scores of angry passengers of a Turkish Airlines flight invaded the NAIA’s tarmac and stopped the carrier’s aircraft from taking off.
As a result of the incident, which occurred from 11pm on December 24 till around 2am on December 25, 2015, the government stated that it had suspended the head of security, the NAIA Manager as well as the Terminal Manager pending when investigations were completed.

The Minister of State for Aviation, Capt. Hadi Sirika, stated that the passengers breached the security apparatus at the airport, stressing that the incident was dangerous, considering the level of global terrorism.

Explaining what happened on the fateful night, after he had been briefed by airport officials, Sirika said, “There was an incident where some agitated passengers of Turkish Airlines, who arrived without their luggage, found their way to the tarmac, where the aircraft was parked. This is a breach of security and that is why I came out to see for myself what actually happened.”
Asked if he was satisfied with the explanations given by the airport officials on the reasons why the passengers were able to penetrate the tarmac, Sirika said, “It is not satisfactory because the primary purpose of government is to secure lives and property. And the cardinal point that this government gave when it came to power was that it would secure and manage the country; so, we cannot fail in aviation.
“Having regard to global terrorism and how aviation has become a source of terror, we cannot afford these lapses; it is not correct, we condemn it. I have ordered a thorough investigation into the matter immediately and all of those that are manning this facility, namely the airport manager, terminal manager and the head of security, should hand over to the next man in rank pending investigation to know what actually happened.
“Also, the Consumer Protection Unit has been ordered to find out what happened and how compliant the airline is and deal with the matter accordingly. We know the passengers were many and apparently there were lapses in security and that was why they gained access to the tarmac. But this is a serious breach of security.”
A military official, who was on the ground on the night of the incident, stated that trouble started when all the passengers disembarked and found out that their luggage had not arrived in Abuja.
The official, while explaining to the minister, said, “When I sensed that there was going to be a problem, immediately I called the commandant and reported the issue to him. The commandant called for assistance. This is because after the passengers saw that their luggage did not arrive with them, they started to rush out from the waiting point to the tarmac.
“Before I could get to the waiting point where travellers clear their luggage, many of the passengers had already rushed to the tarmac. So, myself and a few operatives on the ground tried to calm them. But at that point, we figured out that if you try to stop them, they might turn violent.
“I looked around for the airline staff to talk to them but couldn’t see any. So the few security officials on the ground started to discuss with the travellers, who were highly agitated. This happened around 11pm on December 24 and the dialogue to calm the passengers lasted for about four hours.”
The military personnel, who pleaded not to have his name in print, added that an agreement was reached when the station manager of Turkish Airlines suddenly showed up and agreed to write an undertaking that the carrier would bring in the luggage on December 26.
He added, “The passengers agreed to leave the tarmac around 2am after the airline’s representative signed an undertaking that their luggage would be in Abuja on December 26. That was when the aircraft was eventually allowed to fly. The pieces of luggage are here and people are coming to claim their belongings.”
After listening to the explanations of the military personnel, the minister asked the Acting Head of Security, Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria, Abuja, Mr. Ali Hausawa, why the passengers were allowed entry to the tarmac.
In response, Hausawa said, “It is not that we allowed them; they forced themselves to the tarmac because we had just one worker on duty at the time. We do not expect them to pass through an active luggage carrying belt, but they were agitated and angry and they passed through it and gained entry to the tarmac.
“So they overpowered the official on the ground at that time. We had just one man because there is a shortage of manpower. All the men on duty were stationed at various locations at that time; so, the passengers overpowered the security personnel.”
On the ladder incident at the Bauchi airport involving Aero Contractors, Sirika said he had ordered that the airline be punished, adding that this was carried out by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority.
“I ordered that Aero should be punished and fined and also the captain, who had the responsibility of commanding that aircraft, should be punished and fined as well,” he said.
