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Wednesday 6 January 2016

FG Encourages Local Manufacturing Of Electricity Meters To Relief Consumers And Create Employment

Mr. Babatunde Raji Fashola
The Minister of Power, Works and Housing, Mr. Babatunde Raji Fashola, has met with local manufacturers of electricity meters to re-focus attention on the need to rapidly roll-out meters in order to ensure that distribution companies charge electricity consumers only for energy they consume.

From the report submitted to the meeting that there are estimated Three Million non-metered customers nation-wide, even with Government’s resolve to bridge this metering gap as quickly as possible with maximum impact on local manufacturing and employment potentials fully harnessed.
The Minister joined by the Minister of State, Mustapha Baba Shehuri challenged the local meter manufacturers to think outside of the box through innovations so as to reap bountifully in the fledgling electricity industry.
The forum deliberated on issues of concern to Government and the local manufacturers, which include the need for distribution companies to be more aggressive at patronizing locally manufactured meters.
On their concerns, the representative of the Group, Engr. Kola Balogun said that access to and cost of credit is a major impediment to the growth of their production capacity in meeting present and future demand for meters.
On their part, the local manufacturers assured the Minister of their readiness to support the rapid roll-out of meters but want further assurance of Government’s readiness to put in place clearer incentives for local production as opposed to importation of meters.

While concluding the meeting, the parties agreed to continuous engagement among actors – Government, local meter manufacturers, distribution companies, the industry regulators and other stakeholders in line with the Government policy of rapid roll-out of meters to promote local manufacturing, employment generation and technological development in the country. [FMPWH/FMI]


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