It's All About Information Sharing

Monday 2 May 2016


I don't think this life is worthy of living if there is no love. Love is the bound among human beings that makes feel comfortable to deal with one another in all our endeavours. I have tried to learn these two words 'I love you' and 'I care for you' from my mum who always says to our neighbours though we are not related. When I asked her, she said it good to show love and caring to others. She further said, if there love there no place for evil or wrongdoing. If I love and care for people around him, in my city, in my state, in country, in my continent and the whole world at large, nothing like bad or hatred will never exist.

These two words are just similar in meaning what two couple lover will say they do or have for each other but mind you literally that's not what I am talking about at all. I am talking about pure love for everybody in your life. However, there are many ways to say I love you and show care for people you do care and love. I have some numbers here, in which you can also use to show love and caring to everybody. 



1. I love you

2. I care for you
3. You are so special to me
4.  I accept you as you are.
5. Can you give me the chance to hold your hand?
6. Can you give me the chance to give you a hug?
7. You  always inspire me.
8. I really appreciate it
9. Your stay with me means everything to me. 
10. I like your surprises because your surprise means a lot   
11. I would like to keep you in my past, present and even my future.
12. Whenever I'm with you I feel happy. I hope you feel the same way.
13. Though, circumstance might have brought us together but our choice keeps us together.
14. I always feel refreshed and renewed whenever I am with you. 
15. I always enjoy your sense of humour.
16. I always smile when I see a photo of us together.
17. I always appreciate that you think about my feelings before say or do things.
18. I always have fun when I am with you.
19. Is there anything I can do to assist you?
20. I surely understand how you feel. 
21. I always feel safe sharing my secrets with you.
22. Sincerely, your smile always makes me smile.
23. I feel happy and amazed whenever I spend time with you.
24. You are an amazing gift from God that I have ever received.
25. I value everything you have taught me.
26. I feel so relaxed and happy with you.
27. Seeing you when I'm uncomfortable made everything ok.
28. The way you helped handle this situation really show that you love me.
29. Your sayings on my sayings makes me feel happy.
30. Your comment about me helped me a lot.
31. I am really grateful to God to make me have you in my life.
32. I trust you and I will always trust you
33. With you, it is certain I can go everywhere.
34. With you besides me, nothing seems impossible.
35. With you besides me, I can move a mountain.
36. With you besides and around me, I believe I can fly .
37. I am sure your intentions for me are always good, even when I seem not to understand what you do.
38. Meeting and knowing you always give me courage.
39. Sitting besides boost my level of confidence.
40. This world is nothing to be afraid of, when you are with me. 
41. With you, I believe everything is achievable in this life.
42. I always appreciate your contributions and suggestions because they help me make difficult choices.
43. If something serious happened to me, you will surely be the first person I would ever call.
44. I adore your movement.
45. Your beauty is incomparable.  

 There is blessing in sharing love and caring. I know with these statement, you will surely get a good response or gesture back.

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